A couple of days ago, I was substituting at a preschool in the 18 to 24 months classroom. For most of these little ones this was the first time they had ever been separated from their parents for that long of a time. It was only the second day of school, so the “trauma” of being left was still fresh. One of the little girls who came in had a particularly hard time being left. She cried with her blanket in hand for most of the day. She is the youngest of a large family, and would stare out the window, and individually cry out for each family member by name to come and get her. By the end of the day though all she could ask was, “Dada come?” She wanted to make sure that not only would she get to see her dad again, but also the he would come back, and pick her up.
The other teachers in the class and I told her over and over again that she was going to see her dad again. That he would come back for her, but no matter how many times we reassured her, she never believed us. This little girl was convinced we were lying to her, and she was going to be stuck at school forever. The drama/struggle was real. Of course, her dad showed up promptly at the end of the school day to pick her up. He was right on time. The little girl could not contain her joy at seeing that her Dad had, in fact, come back for her.
Lying in bed that night I couldn’t help, but think of how similar I am to that little girl. Over and over again I am told that my Father God loves me, and that he will come back for me, but just like that little girl, I don’t believe it. I sit in my own misery depressed by the world. I wonder why God chose to leave me in this or that place at this or that time. I wonder if God still loves me. I wonder if God will come back for me, and I wonder if I will ever see his majesty again. I constantly ask, “Dada come.”
Luckily, my unbelief doesn’t shake God. He is true to his promises no matter what emotional state or situation I am in. God has promised me He loves me multiple times. God has promised that He will come back for me, and God has promised that one-day I will stand before His majesty.
These promises aren’t just for me! They are for everyone who believes in Christ, and calls God “Father”. As believers we have such hope and trust in an unfailing constant God. His promises are true and unbreakable. When he says He will come back for us we can have absolute certainty that He will do as he says. In the darkness we may yell, “Dada come.” But, we can rest assured that the light is coming to fight back the darkness of this world. Our Father will come.
Related Bible Verses
When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.
He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
If you want to read about how I wish God would coddle me in times of distress click here.
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